Just a quick note for people experiencing this same problem in frustration. After updating files using Subversion you might encounter an error like this in the Flash IDE:

<em>**Error** C:some_foldertrunksrcascomdomainprojectSomeClass.as: Line 1: Syntax error.
     import com.domain.AnyClassHere;
Total ActionScript Errors: 1 	 Reported Errors: 1</em>

This isn’t the same problem as you can encounter when working with AS files over a network (where deleting ASO files and adjusting your clock will fix it), this is caused by Subversion changing the encoding of the file. To fix it I usually open the file in Notepad2, and choose File > Encoding > UTF8. (Note: Do not pick UTF8 with Signature.) You can of course pick ANSI, too.

No doubt people have had and solved this problem many a time, but I’m just adding to the aggregator for anyone searching in future.