First of all Bill Perry has just confirmed that the Flash Lite 2 player is now available from the Adobe Store. Not wanting to re-iterate what he has said you can read the full post on his blog.

Secondly, you may be thinking it’s a little strange to release a player without a way of developing content for it. Well there are a couple of things you can do; the first is to wait just a little while until the IDE update, docs and samples are released in January on Labs. But if you really can’t wait to get coding, remember that the Flash Lite 2 player is based on the Flash 7 player and can therefore read SWF7 bytecode, so those itching to get AS2 on their phones can get publishing some Flash 7 files and you can immediately start playing with your existing library of classes on your handsets. But that does of course mean that there is no gaurentee that all SWF7 bytecodes/functions/objects are supported, and it also means you won’t have access to any possible Flash Lite 2 specific objects and functionality until January, but it’s a nice way to get into mobile dev over the holidays.

Now of course I’d suggest waiting till January, but I think it’s pretty harmless to get a head start by using Flash 7 files in the new player until then, it means there’ll be less to learn when the time comes. So here’s a sample file, containing an FLA with the following timeline code:


And the following class (

class MobileApp
private static var instance:MobileApp = null;
private var canvas:MovieClip = null;

* Entry point
* @param	canvas	Graphical device context
public static function main(canvas:MovieClip) : Void
instance = new MobileApp();
instance.canvas = canvas;

* Constructor
public function MobileApp()

private function helloWorld() : Void
canvas.createTextField("helloWorldTxt", 1, 20, 20, 0, 0);
var tf:TextField = canvas["helloWorldTxt"];
tf.autoSize = true;
tf.text = "Hello mobile world!";

Best wishes for the holidays!