Just to announce I’ve uploaded my FlashFoward Austin 2006 slides and source.

You can download the zip here.

As soon as time allows it… a mini-tutorial that goes a little more in depth as to how the multi-user example works and how you can set up SUSHI on your machine (the docs that come with it are great though, so get downloading!

In the meantime, to enable HTTP support in SUSHI, you need to follow the instructions supplied with the SUSHI manual, for example, all I had to do was uncomment this line in my Apache httpd.conf config file:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so

…add the following to the end and restart it:

ProxyPreserveHost On
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPass /sushidemo
ProxyPassReverse /sushidemo

Of course 5556 is the port my SUSHI admin.xml configuration file is set to use for HTTP tunneling mode.